Monday, July 17, 2017

Many a broken promise...

It has been almost 3 months since I announced the return of the prodigal son/daughter. On April 25th, I proclaimed, rather grandly, "a return from the hiatus", implicitly promising more posts. I followed up on that by remaining inactive for three months. Caesar's backstabbing friends seem rather honest folk compared to some of my (rather ambitious) broken promises.

Since then, the trend line of the Budding Statesman's stats has followed the same life cycle as that of a souffle with too few egg whites: showing great promise, before sadly stagnating. This is entirely my own fault.

So because my lack of posting has caused my downfall, I have decided to grab the bull by the horns (the blog by the horns?) and write as often as possible (hopefully even every day) and in a more conversable manner.  This means more photos and more hip cultural references (and bad jokes). This will also mean, on average, shorter posts. But it'll also cut down on a lot of drabble, and I think overall it will improve the quality and readership of this blog. Especially considering my readership is mostly my mother's friends, who probably don't have time for 3,000 word posts.*  As Snow White proclaimed, "the mirror doesn't lie" - and neither does Google Analytics.

 So, judging by the success of some other blogs, I think I am on the right track - and so begins another day, and another approach. Hopefully this time it sticks.

(Gif courtesy of Riffsy.)

** I do appreciate your readership, but I think it may be time to branch out. Nevertheless, if some Ancient Roman armies were as loyal as you, we'd probably all be speaking Italian.

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